The HeARTwork Centre

Art Therapy

Laughter Yoga

Heather is a Registered Art Therapist on a mission to help unlock the potential of those looking to use creative expression to heal and grow. Working with the young and young at heart, she has empowered her clients to improve their quality of life in a personalised, fun and exciting way.

Since her childhood, Heather’s passion has been the Healing Power of Creative Self Expression.

Heather established her first private practice in 2000. She previously worked for the NSW Department of Health and at two of Perth’s Public Hospitals in Acute Mental Health, and the Children’s Hospital as well as the AIDS Council.

She listens with the EARS of her HEART, combining an intuitive creative client-centred approach to reconnect you deeply with yourself, get clear on your path, the goals and the action you need to make, in order to make your life figure-out-able.

"I listen attentively to understand and connect to each of my client's individual circumstances. My certification as an Imago Relationship Therapist has given me specialist skills in validation and empathic communication, helping clients feel seen, heard, and respected, forming a deeper emotional connection and therapeutic alliance."

Heather is an ANZACATA Registered Art Therapist with a Masters in Art Therapy and a BA in Applied Psychology. She is a Certified Imago Relationship Couple's Therapist, Certified Coach & Laughter Yoga Facilitator as well as a Relaxation & Stress Management Trainer.

HeARTwork Art Therapy

  • Offers flexible client-designed self-care strategies and personal development techniques, meditation, relaxation and stress management.

  • Art Therapy uses visual art-making, drama, dance, music and movement to improve physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

  • We are an NDIS provider of Therapeutic Support assisting clients with disabilities achieve their Capacity Building Goals.

  • Development Workshops, Creative Conflict Resolution and Brainstorming/Masterminding to enhance clarity and confidence through simple Art Activities and Art Therapy.